House Representative District 54


"It takes a lot of people to make a winning team."

Donations of any amount are helpful to this cause!  We need more concerned citizens to step up and serve, but those who are most invested, those with the most to lose, are typically those who do not have a war chest of disposable funds on hand.  It will take your help - - - your prayers, your offers to volunteer, and your donations to make this happen.  

Up to $3300 per year can be given by any one individual - I know most of the folks we know will be well under that, but just in case you are feeling generous, there are legal limitations.    

You can donate using our Anedot account or do it the old fashioned way and make your check payable to:

Friends of Kevin West and mail to P.O. Box 6572 Moore, OK 73153

**When you make a donation please include your name, address, employer and occupation. If retired, please include your previous employer and occupation.**

Thank you for your continued support!

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